LGBTQ+ millennials
Surveys often capture cross-generational differences, contrasting the experiences and perspectives of older baby boomers, say, with younger generations like millennials and Gen Z. But a 2018 survey conducted by the GenForward project at the University of Chicago revealed striking differences among millennials in relation to gender and sexual identity.
“We were excited that the differences emerged. Often millennials are talked about as a monolithic or homogeneous group where everyone is more or less the same,” explained Vlad Medenica, a postdoctoral researcher who worked on the project, in an article published by NBC News (Duran, 2018).
One aim of the survey was to see how race and ethnicity shaped people's experiences of gender and sexuality. Key differences emerged, with Latino millennials far more likely than any other group to self-identify as LGBTQ+ (22%), followed by African Americans (14%), Whites (13%) and Asian-Americans (9%) (Duran, 2018).
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Check out the full article from NBC News to learn more about the impact of race and ethnicity on millennials' experiences of gender and sexual identity, including their perceptions of anti-LGBTQ+ bias and discrimination within their community.
Latino millennials least likely to identify as heterosexual, survey finds
Duran, Eric. (2018, July 23). Latino millennials least likely to identify as heterosexual, survey finds. NBC News.