Sharon Blalock and Krista Tillman, both from Charlotte, founded identiversity. They’ve combined their business operations, marketing, and community volunteer backgrounds and passion for the LGBTQ+ community to put together the identiversity team and ignite a one-of-a-kind community learning initiative.
Sharon has worked for years in marketing, public relations and sales in entertainment, as an entrepreneur, and in the nonprofit world. She helped launch proprietary entertainment concepts across the country, worked with some of the foremost names in the entertainment industry and has been responsible for the supervision of large diverse groups of employees.
Krista has an extensive corporate business background, including serving for 10 years as a corporate officer of a Fortune 50 technology company. She transitioned to academia and has served as an executive in residence at one of the largest campuses in the North Carolina university system. Krista is dedicated to community service, serving as a trustee and board member for a large health system, various universities and civic organizations.
Chief Learning Officer
Kathleen Clark, PhD, is the Chief Learning Officer for Identiversity, Inc., taking the lead on developing the educational approach and resources that comprise the identiversity learning platform. Her career in education has spanned more than 25 years, including 16 years as a faculty member at the University of Georgia, where her teaching and research focused on gender and race in the U.S. Dr. Clark holds a PhD in American Studies from Yale University, Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) from Columbia University, and a BA from Princeton University.
Team Members
Amantha Barbee, MDiv
Kathleen Clark, PhD
Chief Learning Officer
Craig Davis
Technical lead
Michael Dulin, MD, PhD
Research Advisor
Marian Edmondson
Sr. Advisor & Educator
Nancy Fey-Yensan, PhD
Sr. Advisor & Educator
Steve Larson
Corporate Diversity & Inclusion
Brigida Mack
Tina Madison White
Advisor, Educator
Rick McDermott
General Counsel
Emily Plauché
Chief Financial Officer
Holly Savoy, PhD
Research advisor
Morgane Smith
Social Media
Donna Westwood
Instructional designer
Kayla Wiley