Raised by same-sex couples

How do children of same-sex couples compare with children of different-sex couples when it comes to educational performance? That's the question posed in a recent study by European economists, whose study tracked all children born in the Netherlands since 1995. What they discovered might surprise you.

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Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study Finds


Long, Heather. (2019, February 6). Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/02/06/children-raised-by-same-sex-couples-do-better-sch...

Gender Identity Gender identity icon Our core sense of who we are as a man, a woman, a mixture of both, or neither.

Gender Expression Gender expression icon How we show up in the world through choices like clothing, hair style, mannerisms or tone of voice.

Attraction attraction icon How we feel toward others sexually, romantically and/or emotionally.

Biological Sex Biological sex icon Physical attributes such as reproductive organs and genitalia, chromosomes, genes and hormone levels.

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