Q is for questioning
Many assume that the "Q" in LGBTQ+ stands for queer. And that's right. But the Q also stands for questioning. Questioning describes the process of discovery and exploration about sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Questioning can be an aspect of adolescence as young people explore various facets of their identity, but it can occur at any stage in life.
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Take a look at this article in Psychology Today that addresses the importance of "the other q"--that is, the process of questioning and exploring one's gender and/or sexual identity.
The Other "Q": Questioning One's Gender or Sexual Orientation
Walh, David W. (2021, July 1). The Other "Q": Questioning One's Gender or Sexual Orientation. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sexual-self/202107/the-other-q-questioning-ones-gender-or-se...