By the numbers
What does the LGBTQ+ population look like in the U.S. today? Each year, Gallup conducts a survey of U.S. adults to determine the percentage of persons identifying within the LGBTQ+ community. In 2022, for the first time ever, the survey recoded the identities of persons who identify beyond the traditional lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender labels, with the most prevalent identities beyond those 4 being queer, pansexual and asexual.
Explore the findings from the 2022 Gallup survey to learn more about the findings, including the overall percentage of U.S. adults who identify as LGBTQ+, how the numbers differ across generations, and what the most prevalent LGBTQ+ identities are today. The results may surprise you.
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Jones, Jeffrey M. (2023, February 22). U.S. LGBT Identification Steady at 7.2%. Gallup.