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Myths vs Facts
Men make up the majority of the LGB population.
Men make up the majority of the LGB population.
Population studies estimate more women identify as Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual. As many as 4.8% of women and 3.4% of men between the ages of 18 and 44 identify as LGB.
Sexual identity and gender identity are basically the same thing.
Sexual identity and gender identity are basically the same thing.
Your gender identity does not determine who you’re romantically, emotionally or sexually attracted to.
It is possible to be attracted to persons of more than one gender.
It is possible to be attracted to persons of more than one gender.
A person who is bisexual, pansexual or omnisexual has the potential to experience emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction to persons of more than one gender.
Learn more about what it means to be pansexual and other LGBTQ+ identities.